Hike to Bronson Canyon — the Bat Cave!

Way back in the 1960’s, Adam West was Batman on television, and each week, we’d see Batman and Robin riding the batmobile out of the secret bat cave to Gotham City.

Those televisions shows were about as corny as you can get, but the bat cave was a very real location called Bronson Caves, and it’s an easy hike that anyone can do.

An extra bonus is a great view of the Hollywood sign!

The park is located at 3200 Canyon Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90068.

The entrance to the park is gated, and the gate is locked at sunset.

This park is very popular, and parking can be challenging.

There’s a parking lot, with spots available early in the morning and late afternoon. Otherwise, if you see a spot on the street, you should grab it.

After you’ve parked, keep heading in the same direction you were driving — towards the trailhead.

You’ll come to a sign with several options. For this hike, turn right to go to Bronson Caves, a short .2 miles.

From the sign, the turn is a u-turn. You’ll walk past the gate and start heading up the slight incline.

The path is a wide, fire road with a gentle incline. It’s an easy hike for anyone!

The trail makes a wide turn to the left, and then you’ll see the cave opening on the right.

Unfortunately, the cave is closed, because of falling rocks! For sure, you don’t want any rocks falling on your head!

Here’s the view through the fence.

If you head around to the back, you’ll see the entrances to 3 smaller caves, one of them being the exit from this cave, and all (sadly) gated.

But you’re also at the quarry. Bronson Caves was used as a quarry to build the stairs in Hollywoodland, what’s now Beachwood Canyon. These are the Saroyan stairs, an example of the beautiful stairs created from these rocks.

And once you get to the quarry, don’t forget to turn around and see the fabulous Hollywood Sign!

You’ll return back the parking lot the same way you came up.

This is a simple hike that anyone can do! If you’re adventurous, you can also hike to the Hollywood sign! But for me, that’s a hike for another day!


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