The Shortest Street in Los Angeles

The shortest street in LA is in a very unique neighborhood called Pico-Union.

Powers Place is only 13 feet long.

The shortest street in LA

Paved in brick, it separates 2 groups of people.

The brickwork on this short street is beautiful

On one side are apartment buildings, where normal people live.

On the other side is Alvarado Terrace, an historic neighborhood of mansions, all on the National Registry of Historic Places. 

This short, brick road leads from the ordinary to the exquisite, in just 13 feet!

A view of the historic mansions of Alvarado Place

But don’t let the short street fool you – it’s a very busy street!

In 1902, the lots of Alvarado Terrace sold for only $10 per lot.  But on the condition that the owner build a house worth at least $4,000, or in other words, build a mansion. 

This vintage street lamp adds to the charm of Powers Place

In 1904, Pomeroy Wills Powers was president of the LA City Council and one of the mansion owners.  He persuaded the city to build a park next to Alvarado Terrace, and the short street was built with it.  Powers Place was named in his honor. 

Today the park is a bustle of activity from walkers, picnickers, and a small playground that emanates squeals of laughter from happy children.

The playground at the park
Paths, palm trees and grace make this spot popular with walkers & picnickers

Powers Place is located between Pico and Venice, Bonnie Brae and Alvarado Terrace.

Check out my shorts video about it here:


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