Rose Parade Floats

Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and great new year!

I had a wonderful adventure on New Year’s Eve. This is when the floats line up for the Tournament of Roses parade, held every year on New Year’s Day. But on New Year’s Eve, the floats are lining up, and it’s open to the public.

Here are some of the photos I took from the event.

This float won the Queen’s Award for most outstanding presentation of roses
I don’t know whose float this was, but it was well done!
This didn’t win any awards, but it was a great float!
A winged lion.
It was quite busy!

If you’d like to see more floats, check out my video you YouTube.


I love, love, love California! And I want to share it with you! If you prefer to watch videos, check out my YouTube Channel at